Good News! We Can Apply Samples for You Now!

We are here to inform you of recent changes to TikTok sample request policy for TikTok influencers. Good news is that the criteria is lower the previous policy, and most importantly, we could order samples for you as long as you follow the steps below and authorize us to.

Self Sample Request Criteria:

Here are the revised criteria for requesting samples:

  • Follower Count: >5,000

  • Recent 30-Day GMV: ≥$300

  • Recent 30-Day E-commerce Video Posts: ≥5

  • Recent 30-Day E-commerce Video Total VV: ≥10,000

For each campaign, the following quota applies:

  • Total Sample Allocation: ≤$200

  • Maximum Sample Requests per Influencer: ≤5 items

Agency Help to Request Samples: 

If you cannot find the "request free sample" option:

  • Add the product to your showcase. (Use links here)

  • Email us at with your TikTok username and the product information that you added to showcase.

  • Upon receiving your email, we will send you an authorization via TikTok.

After your authorization, we'll use our agency sample quota to request samples. You must authorize us within TikTok for sample requests. Sample requests will be processed based on authorization order, and final fulfillment decisions are at our discretion.